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Safeguarding Children and Young People

Understand your role in protecting children and young people.

Safeguarding Children and Young People

Safeguarding Children and Young People



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Safeguarding Children and Young People
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Duration: 1 1/2hrs

Retakes: Unlimited


Our safeguarding children course is essential for anybody who works with the young. This safeguarding children course course will help you understand your role and responsibilities, and support you in feeling confident in carrying out appropriate actions should you have any concerns.

Our safeguarding children course covers questions such as:
- What do we mean by the term safeguarding children
- The evolving law behind safeguarding children
- What is a Local Safeguarding Children Board?
- Why do we need robust policies and procedures for the safeguarding of children?
- What do we mean by harm and abuse?
- How to recognise signs of harm and abuse
- Responding to concerns and making a referral

Book our safeguarding children course today!

Course Syllabus

  • Section One Chapter One - Background and the law

    This Chapter will cover off the background of safeguarding children and young people.

  • Section One Chapter Two - Background and the law

    This section is a continuation of the background and law of safeguarding children and young people.

  • Section Two Chapter One - Harm and Abuse

    Section two looks at the harm and abuse that takes place and how to identify this.

  • Section Two Chapter Two - Harm and Abuse

    Section two, chapter two is a continuation of the subject on harm and abuse to children or young people.

  • Section Three - Risk factors for abuse and neglect

    In this section we look at the risk factors for abuse and neglect and the reasons why it may take place.

  • Section Four Chapter One – Responding and Referral

    This section looks at the response that should be given when safeguarding and how to make effective referrals.

  • Section Four Chapter Two - Responding and Referral

    This section looks at the response that should be given when safeguarding and how to make effective referrals.

  • Section Five - Case examples and recap

    The last section covers off case examples and also a recap on the subjects that you have covered in this course.

Obtaining your certificate

You will need to pass a multiple-choice exam at the end of the course in order to gain your accreditation. Once passed, we will send your official certificate by email.

Safeguarding Children and Young People

Understand your role in protecting children and young people.



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