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Money Sense

Money Sense

Money Sense



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Money Sense
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Duration: 1 1/2hrs

Retakes: Unlimited


This course is designed to give the learner a good understanding of personal finance and to help them to reach a realistic and effective balance between the money they have coming in, and money they have going out.

  • Financial products and the spending options that are available to you
  • How to recognise debt, and how to manage your way out of it
  • The various saving options that are available to you
  • How to plan your finances and how to create a realistic budget
  • How to access further information, advice and guidance

Course Syllabus

  • Course Introduction

    Here, we describe how the course is structured and give an overview of the various sections of the course. We also explain why it's important to have a good understanding of personal finance and to develop a budget to control spending and to help with debt management and saving.

  • Section One – Understanding financial products and choosing spending options

    In this section, we will look at the many financial products that are available to help you to spend your money. Having a good understanding of these products will help you to make a more informed decision when it comes to choosing which products best suit your income level and lifestyle.

  • Section Two – Debt Management

    Recognising that debt is getting out of control can be quite a challenge, and facing these issues and doing something about them can be even more daunting. In this section, we will explore ways to identify when things are getting out of hand and what we can do to get our finances back under control.

  • Section Three – Saving

    In this section, we look at the different reasons for saving, and the different saving options available to you.

  • Section Four – Getting to grips with your money through planning and budgeting

    Really, this section is a culmination of all of the previous sections. This is where we put everything we have discussed into context with our current income level and spending practices.

Money Sense



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