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Lone Working

Legal and practical aspects for those with responsibility for Lone Workers.

Lone Working

Lone Working



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Lone Working
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Highfield Awarding Body
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Duration: 45mins

Retakes: Unlimited


This course gives the learner a good understanding of how lone working is covered by health and safety law and highlights the importance of conducting a risk assessment before every lone working episode. It goes on to demonstrate what should be involved in a risk assessment and discusses ways of reducing possible risk.

Chapter 1: Definition, roles and responsibilities

This chapter includes an introduction to the course and discusses the definition of a lone worker, roles and responsibilities under health and safety law, and highlights what should be done before undertaking a lone working activity.

Chapter 2: Travelling, technology and reporting

This chapter covers travelling, technology and temporary work and the importance of accurate reporting of incidents.

Course Syllabus

  • Unit 1

    This chapter includes an introduction to the course and discusses the definition of a lone worker, roles and responsibilities under health and safety law, and highlights what should be done before undertaking a lone working activity.

  • Unit 2

    This chapter covers travelling, technology and temporary work and the importance of accurate reporting of incidents.

Obtaining your certificate

You will need to pass a multiple-choice exam at the end of the course in order to gain your accreditation. Once passed, we will send your official certificate by email.

Lone Working

Legal and practical aspects for those with responsibility for Lone Workers.



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