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Level 2 Award An Introduction to First Aid for Mental Health

Increase your understanding of mental health issues, signs of mental ill-health, and how to provide "on the spot" care as a mental health first aider.

Level 2 Award An Introduction to First Aid for Mental Health

Level 2 Award An Introduction to First Aid for Mental Health



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Level 2 Award An Introduction to First Aid for Mental Health

Duration: 8 (GLH)



Our Level 2 Award An Introduction to First Aid for Mental Health qualification will increase your awareness of common mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression and stress, that can have an impact on our everyday lives. You'll also obtain knowledge on how a mental health first aider can provide immediate "on the spot" care to others, while looking after their own mental wellbeing. Upon successful completion of the invigilated assessments, you will receive an official certificate.

The course provides an introduction to first aid for mental health and includes: 

- Narrated video-lessons 

- Activities and progress quizzes 

 - Mock practice tests, complete with review facility and a bank of changing questions. 

Course Syllabus

Level 2 Award An Introduction to First Aid for Mental Health

Increase your understanding of mental health issues, signs of mental ill-health, and how to provide "on the spot" care as a mental health first aider.



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