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Handling and Administering of Medicines

Principles, policies and procedures for those dealing with medicines.

Handling and Administering of Medicines

Handling and Administering of Medicines



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Handling and Administering of Medicines
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Duration: 1 1/2hrs

Retakes: Unlimited


The purpose of this course is to provide guidance for people in every aspect of health care who are involved in the handling and administering of medicines. The course sets out the principles of safe and appropriate handling of medicines and explains how these apply in specific services.

Chapter 1: Structure

An introduction to the purpose and structure of the course.

Chapter 2: Core Principles

In this chapter, we list and describe the eight core principles that underpin the safe and appropriate handling of medicines in every care setting.

Chapter 3: Policies and procedures

In this chapter we cover: • Policies and procedures • What is meant by the term “Controlled Drugs” • The need to make special arrangements for Controlled Drugs • Administration of Controlled Drugs • Records for CDs • Disposal of CDs • Handling non-prescribed CDs

Chapter 4: Disposal

This chapter outlines the importance of correct disposal of excess or unwanted medicines and goes on to describe why the accurate recording of medicines is crucial in a social care setting and service.

Chapter 5: Effective communication

In this chapter, we cover the importance of establishing an effective communication link with GP surgeries and pharmacies and discuss medicine volumes and stocks and how the various types of medicines should be correctly stored.

Chapter 6: Care settings

This chapter covers policies, procedures and best practice for the handling and administering of medicines within various care settings, including in individual homes and day care.

Chapter 7: Help with medicines

Safe administration of medicines means that medicines are given in such a way as to maximise benefit and to avoid causing harm. Whenever possible people in care settings should be responsible for looking after and taking their own medicines but some will be given medicines by care workers. This chapter covers the occasions when help with medicines is necessary.

Course Syllabus

  • Unit 1

    An introduction to the purpose and structure of the course.

  • Unit 2

    In this chapter, we list and describe the eight core principles that underpin the safe and appropriate handling of medicines in every care setting.

  • Unit 3

    In this chapter we cover: • Policies and procedures • What is meant by the term “Controlled Drugs” • The need to make special arrangements for Controlled Drugs • Administration of Controlled Drugs • Records for CDs • Disposal of CDs • Handling non-prescribed CDs

  • Unit 4

    This chapter outlines the importance of correct disposal of excess or unwanted medicines and goes on to describe why the accurate recording of medicines is crucial in a social care setting and service.

  • Unit 5

    In this chapter, we cover the importance of establishing an effective communication link with GP surgeries and pharmacies and discuss medicine volumes and stocks and how the various types of medicines should be correctly stored.

  • Unit 6

    This chapter covers policies, procedures and best practice for the handling and administering of medicines within various care settings, including in individual homes and day care.

  • Unit 7

    Safe administration of medicines means that medicines are given in such a way as to maximise benefit and to avoid causing harm. Whenever possible people in care settings should be responsible for looking after and taking their own medicines but some will be given medicines by care workers. This chapter covers the occasions when help with medicines is necessary.

Obtaining your certificate

You will need to pass a multiple-choice exam at the end of the course in order to gain your accreditation. Once passed, we will send your official certificate by email.

Handling and Administering of Medicines

Principles, policies and procedures for those dealing with medicines.



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