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Fire Marshall Training

Fire Marshall Training

Fire Marshall Training



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Fire Marshall Training
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Highfield Awarding Body
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Duration: 2hrs

Retakes: Unlimited


This course will provide you with everything you need to be an effective Fire Marshal in your workplace.

In this course, we will cover the following topics:

  1. The importance of fire safety, including the law, roles and responsibilities of the employer and the Fire Marshal
  2. The principles of fire and the fire triangle
  3. Risk assessments and control measures
  4. Fire safety arrangements and monitoring
  5. Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Course Syllabus

  • Course Introduction

    This unit sets out the course content and structure

  • Section 1 - The Importance of Fire Safety

    In this section of the course we will be covering the following points: • An overview of the importance of fire safety • The law, with regard to fire safety • The roles and responsibilities of the employer and • The roles and responsibilities of yourself as a fire marshal

  • Section 2 - The Principles of Fire and the Fire Triangle

    In this section we will develop an understanding of what causes fires; the different types of fires and how best to extinguish them.

  • Section 3 - Risk Assessments and Control Measures

    As a fire marshal, it is very important to carry out regular risk assessments with your employer. A risk assessment will identify and record anything that could compromise fire safety and it is your job to minimize these risks as much as possible.

  • Section 4 - Fire Safety Arrangements and Monitoring

    Your responsibilities as a fire marshal include monitoring your workplace and ensuring that any necessary safety arrangements have been put in place and are being maintained. In this section we’re going to look at how you can do that efficiently, using the findings from your fire risk assessment.

  • Section 5 - Emergency Evacuation Procedures

    In this section, we look into exactly how to get everyone to safety, in an efficient and timely manner, in the event of an emergency evacuation. We do this by going through how you, as a fire marshal, should act during an evacuation, and how to carry out regular fire drills and what happens when you contact the emergency services.

Obtaining your certificate

You will need to pass a multiple-choice exam at the end of the course in order to gain your accreditation. Once passed, we will send your official certificate by email.

Fire Marshall Training



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