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Customer Care - An Introduction

Customer Care - An Introduction

Customer Care - An Introduction



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Customer Care - An Introduction
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Duration: 1 hour

Retakes: unlimited


Customer Care is one of the most important aspects in any business. As such, this course has been designed to cover a range of areas, including the principles of excellent customer care; how to provide excellent customer care; and, how to communicate effectively with customers.

By the end of the course, the learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of:

  • The principles of excellent customer care
  • The importance of excellent customer care
  • How to provide excellent customer care
  • How to communicate effectively with customers
  • The importance of keeping to your organisation’s policies and practices
  • How to approach customer complaints

Course Syllabus

  • Introduction to the Course

    This short introduction to the course sets out what will be covered in the course, how the course is structured and details the course objectives.

  • Section One: The Importance of Excellent Customer Care

    There may not be a more important personal or professional skill to have, than the ability to provide excellent customer care. This Section sets out why excellent customer care is essential in any business and suggests the negative implications of poor customer care.

  • Section Two: Providing Excellent Customer Care

    This Section gets straight into the business of how to deliver excellent customer care. It also reinforces the pitfalls associated with poor customer care.

  • Section Three: Dealing with Diverse Customers and Handling Complaints

    This Section explores the diversity of the customer group, based on the premise that customers all have one thing in common – they are all different! The Section then goes on to outline methodologies for handling customer complaints and bringing them to a mutually agreeable conclusion.

  • Section Four: Effective Communication

    In this Section, we delve a little deeper into the smaller things you can do to help to develop a positive rapport with your customers through the way that you communicate with them.

Customer Care - An Introduction



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