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Health and Safety e-Learning training - CITB Test Preparation

Mock online assessment to help candidates prepare for the CITB test.

Health and Safety e-Learning training - CITB Test Preparation

Health and Safety e-Learning training - CITB Test Preparation



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Health and Safety e-Learning training - CITB Test Preparation
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Highfield Awarding Body
Mobile device friendly content

Duration: 3.5hrs

Retakes: unlimited


This course is designed to give you the best opportunity to pass the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test, which is a mandatory requirement to be able to apply for a CSCS Operator-level card that is needed to work on a construction site in the UK

This course is aimed at people who currently work, or want to work, in construction and need to apply for an operator-level Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS) Green Card.

By the end of the course you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of health, safety and the environment, in relation to the construction industry, with regard to:

Legal and management aspects
Health and welfare
General safe practices
High risk activities
And, how the environment can be protected


Related courses:

- Complete CSCS Green Card Package: Training, exam, CITB test and card
- Health and Safety in a construction environment: a lifetime QCF qualification

Course Syllabus

  • Introduction

    Introduction to the course, including why the qualification is required and how the course is structured

  • Module A: Legal and management

    Legal and management aspects of health and safety in a construction environment

  • Module B (1): Health and welfare

    This is the largest of the modules in this course and is split into two sections - (1) and (2). This is Module B (1)

  • Module B (2): Health and welfare

    Continuation of Module B

  • Module C: General safety

    This module covers subjects and issues relating to general safety within a construction environment

  • Module D: High risk activities

    This module explores construction activities that are classified as high risk

  • Module E: Environment

    This module covers aspects of construction work that can impact in a negative way on the environment and people within it

  • Revision

    This sections provides a brief revision of the mainpoints of the course and goes on to describe the next steps to book the CITB Health, safety and environment test and ultimately attain a CSCS Operator-level card ("Green Card")

Obtaining your certificate

You will need to pass a multiple-choice exam at the end of the course in order to gain your accreditation. Once passed, we will send your official certificate by email.

Health and Safety e-Learning training - CITB Test Preparation

Mock online assessment to help candidates prepare for the CITB test.



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