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A Guide to Nutrition and Health in Older People

Online training covering nutrition, food types and exercise for older people.

A Guide to Nutrition and Health in Older People

A Guide to Nutrition and Health in Older People



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A Guide to Nutrition and Health in Older People
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Highfield Awarding Body
Mobile device friendly content

Duration: 45mins

Retakes: Unlimited


This course provides a general understanding of the nutritional requirements of older people. It covers nutrition, food types, choice and variety and exercise.

Chapter 1: Needs for a well-balanced diet

This first chapter provides an introduction to the course and then goes on to discuss what an older person generally needs to ensure that they have a well-balanced and nutritionally satisfactory diet.

Chapter 2: Components of a diet

This chapter covers different nutritional components like fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals, and fluids, illustrating what they are, and where they can be found.

Chapter 3: Appetite and exercise

This final chapter shows how to make meals more appealing and appetising for older people. It then goes on to discuss the benefits of gentle exercise on health and appetite.

Course Syllabus

  • Unit 1

    This first chapter provides an introduction to the course and then goes on to discuss what an older person generally needs to ensure that they have a well-balanced and nutritionally satisfactory diet.

  • Unit 2

    This chapter covers things like fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals, and fluids, illustrating what they are, and where they can be found.

  • Unit 3

    This final chapter shows how to make meals more appealing and appetising for older people. It then goes on to discuss the benefits of gentle exercise on health and appetite.

Obtaining your certificate

You will need to pass a multiple-choice exam at the end of the course in order to gain your accreditation. Once passed, we will send your official certificate by email.

A Guide to Nutrition and Health in Older People

Online training covering nutrition, food types and exercise for older people.



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