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A Guide to Dementia Awareness

E-learning module spanning all aspects of dementia awareness and understanding.

A Guide to Dementia Awareness

A Guide to Dementia Awareness



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A Guide to Dementia Awareness
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Highfield Awarding Body
Mobile device friendly content

Duration: 45mins

Retakes: Unlimited


This course provides an excellent understanding of issues around dementia. It covers topics including: what is dementia and who tends to be affected by it? Signs and symptoms of dementia; communicating with people with dementia; and understanding and respect.

Chapter 1: What is dementia?

This first chapter sets the scene by explaining the content and format of the course. It then goes on to explore the question, "what is dementia?"

Chapter 2: Susceptible groups

This chapter discusses the groups of people who are most susceptible to developing dementia.

Chapter 3: Signs and symptoms

This chapter discusses what to look out for as far as signs and symptoms are concerned with dementia.

Chapter 4: Communication

This chapter provides advice, guidance and best practice for communicating with people with varying levels of severity of dementia

Chapter 5: Understanding and respect

This is the final chapter of the course, and possibly the most important. It centres around the understanding that people with dementia have the right to be treat with compassion and respect at all times, irrespective of the severity of their condition.

Course Syllabus

  • Unit 1

    This first chapter sets the scene by explaining the content and format of the course. It then goes on to explore the question, "what is dementia?"

  • Unit 2

    This chapter discusses the groups of people who are most susceptible to developing dementia.

  • Unit 3

    This chapter discusses what to look out for as far as signs and symptoms are concerned with dementia.

  • Unit 4

    This chapter provides advice, guidance and best practice for communicating with people with varying levels of severity of dementia

  • Unit 5

    This is the final chapter of the course, and possibly the most important. It centres around the understanding that people with dementia have the right to be treat with compassion and respect at all times, irrespective of the severity of their condition.

Obtaining your certificate

You will need to pass a multiple-choice exam at the end of the course in order to gain your accreditation. Once passed, we will send your official certificate by email.

A Guide to Dementia Awareness

E-learning module spanning all aspects of dementia awareness and understanding.



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